
Your 3-bet should depend on your opponent’s position; bet larger when out-of-position than when in, as this makes it more difficult for their equity to materialize when calling your 3-bet range (known as polarizing your 3-bet range).

An effective 3-bet is an excellent way to isolate opponents and play as many pots heads up. But it’s crucial that the proper size and hand selection be selected when performing one.

Pre-flop betting phase

A 3-bet is an aggressive move that can be one of the most profitable strategies in any poker player’s repertoire, yet only great players know when and when not to employ this tactic. Utilizing it too frequently could cause other players to react and force him or her into making bad decisions in response, separating good from great ones in terms of decision making skills. If one uses 3-bets too frequently other players could force him/her into making numerous bad ones instead.

Step one in understanding how to 3-bet is selecting an effective range of hands against which to bet. For instance, only bet suited pairs that will flop frequently in three-bet pots and those with strong kickers that might make top pair if three betted against.

An essential aspect of 3-bet strategy is choosing a bet size. An optimal range is 3x-4x of the initial raiser’s open bet size – this will force your opponent to call with only more strong hands than would normally, and make it more difficult for them to fold when making one on the flop.

Finally, to improve your chances of winning big pots, a “squeeze bet” should be utilized at key moments to increase your odds. These bets consist of larger sums of money or chips designed to push opponents from the hand as quickly as possible – these types of bets should typically be utilized when three-bettors have premium hands and wish to maximize their win rates.

Post-flop betting phase

Establishing when and how to three bet in poker can be tricky, yet is one of the key skills needed to excel at this game. Knowing when and how to three-bet is vital if you wish to improve your play; understanding the proper size, type and hand for three betting can make a major difference in results. When placing these bets it is also essential to take stack sizes into consideration; for instance if an opponent has short stack then your 3 bet range may need to narrow significantly pre-flop.

A three bet in poker is a type of re-raise used by the initial raiser after an initial raise by another player, designed to capture the pot more quickly while forcing opponents with marginal holdings to fold, improving your odds of success in winning this hand.

Squeeze bets, which involve raising by less than the initial raiser, can also be an effective strategy to force weaker hands into the pot and increase chances of flushes or straights.

Cash games require you to bluff 3 bet light in order to maximize profits and force opponents to call with weaker hands in future rounds. By making a small bet after the flop and making three successive bets with weaker hands afterward, this method usually yields instant pots and forces them into calling you with much weaker cards in subsequent rounds.

Squeeze bets

Squeezing is a preflop poker strategy used to build pots for value. This tactic works best against strong broadway hands such as AK and AQ, though you could also apply it with suited connectors. Squeezing against players with deep stacks may not be recommended since they could push all-in more frequently and destroy your chances of capturing the pot.

An effective squeeze play seeks to apply maximum pressure on any opponent who calls your preflop raise, typically by raising bet size enough so as to make continuation difficult for that player. Aim to raise bet size at least four-fold over what they originally raised; this should discourage weak hands from continuing and make winning easier for you!

Squeezing can also be used as a bluff. However, this requires more fold equity than using it as value bet and should only be attempted against players unlikely to fold quickly and in certain spots; typically recreational players who like seeing the flop regardless of whether they hold good cards or not – these should be targeted with wider range bets when used this way.


A 3-bet can be used for value, bluffing or taking the initiative. Your decision as to the appropriate 3-bet strategy depends on your opponent, table position and texture of the flop – for instance if playing against tight players it’s best to 3-bet light with strong hands as well as targeted bluffs so as not to risk too much of your own stack if your opponents try their luck by 3-betting more frequently.

In other situations, it may be beneficial to bluff with an array of hands when faced with players who are likely to call your 3-bets. For instance, if an opponent holds strong cards such as AKo it may not be worth 3-betting because you could likely lose the pot; rather if he or she holds inferior hands such as Q9s or T8s they may be less likely to call your 3-bet.

When three betting light, it is wise to resize your range in order to maximize your expected value when winning the pot. For instance, if an opponent raises to two blinds (bb), increase the size of your 3-bets from 4bb (if there is only one caller) up to five blinds (5bb). This strategy works particularly well in deep stacked games as it gives your opponents the incentive to fold preflop and give you an opportunity to steal pots on the flop.